Ofsted 'Good' Provider

The Nursery was last inspected on the 10th July 2019.

This was the third inspection in a row where we achieved a ‘GOOD’ outcome, we are delighted with the outcome.

It reflects the commitment, the hard work and the effort of the staff team and parent partnerships and is indicative of the work ethos and the sentiment of the nursery.

“The providers are committed to offering a high-quality nursery provision for children. The manager and staff create a welcoming and happy atmosphere in the nursery”.

"Staff are sensitive to children's individual needs, particularly when they are settling in the nursery. They make sure children feel safe & secure and have an enjoyable experience when they separate from their parents or carers."

Please click on the button below to be directed to the Ofsted website to read the complete report. For a very brief summary, we have included a few paragraphs from the main sections below.


  • The providers are committed to offering a high-quality nursery provision for children. The manager and staff create a welcoming and happy atmosphere in the nursery.
  • Staff are sensitive to children's individual needs, particularly when they are settling in the nursery. They make sure children feel safe & secure and have an enjoyable experience when they separate from their parents or carers.
  • Staff support children's language skills well. They listen to children carefully, give them time to think and respond, and teach them new words. Children who speak English as an additional language are supported well when learning to speak English.
  • The manager and staff show a great deal of warmth & affection for children they care for. They are very good role models for children. They manage behaviour calmly and encourage children to be polite, respectful and kind.
  • Children learn about the natural world. For example, they learn that plants are 'living things' and need water and sunlight to grow. On a family day out to local botanical gardens, children are able to see a variety of plants. They excitedly explore many different habitats, including tropical rainforest, desert, wetlands and woodlands.
  • Parents speak highly of the nursery, and the good service they receive. Staff keep parents fully informed about their children's care and progress. Parents are provided with ideas and activities to do with their children to support their learning at home. This contributes to the good progress children make.
  • The manager has not fully implemented effective staff monitoring procedures to help identify areas to improve, and raise the quality of teaching to an outstanding level.
  • Staff do not make the best use of the outdoor environment to support the learning and development of those children who prefer to learn outdoors. (This was a shame as we had mostly packed up for the Summer holidays).
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